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출처:KIC China 발표 시간:2021-07-14 09:42:00 조회 수:
발표 시간:2021-07-14 09:42:00

번려보, 박사과정 학생, 중남대학교 물리·전자대학 물리학과 박사과정 대학원생. 2017년 7월 본과 형양사범대학을 졸업했고 2020년 7월 석사 과정으로 호남사범대학을 졸업했으며, 주로 광학장에서 개방된 양자 시스템을 조절하는 이론 연구에 종사했다.
이미 발표한 논문
Q.-Q. Hong, L.-B. Fan, C.-C. Shu*(통신 작자), N. E. Henriksen, Generation of maximal three-state field-free molecular orientation with terahertz pulses, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A (2021) (논문 연결)
Li-Bao Fan, Yue-Hui Zhou, Fen Zou, Huan Guo, Jin-Feng Huang*, and Jie-Qiao Liao*, Quantum thermalization and vanishing thermal entanglement in the open Jaynes-Cummings model, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 2020, 2000134.
 Fen Zou, Li-Bao Fan, Jin-Feng Huang*, and Jie-Qiao Liao*, Enhancement of few-photon optomechanical effects with cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043837 (2019).
이메일: libaofanxv@foxmail.com
​출처:중남대학교 초급속 양자조정연구팀