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출처:KIC China 발표 시간:2021-03-12 14:21:00 조회 수:
발표 시간:2021-03-12 14:21:00

박사 후

연구분야: 양자이질결

교육 배경
2007.09-2011.07 학사(재료과학 및 엔지니어링) 쿤밍 공과대학교재료과
2011.09-2016.07 석박(응집물리학) 나노과학센터

근무 경력
2016.09-지금까지   중국 남방과기대 박사후

논문 및 특허
[1] Yujia Liang, Yong Xie,  Dongxue Chen , Chuanfei Guo, Shuai Hou, Tao Wen, Fengyou Yang, Ke Deng, Xiaochun Wu, Ivan I. Smalyukh, Qian Liu,   Symmetry control of nanorod superlattice driven by a governing force ,   Nature Commun ., 8, 1410 (2017)
[2] Kai Xu,   Dongxue Chen (co-first author) , Fengyou Yang, Zhenxing Wang, Lei Yin, Feng Wang, Ruiqing Cheng, Kaihui Liu, Jie Xiong, Qian Liu, and Jun He,   Sub-10 nm Nanopattern Architecture for 2D Material Field-Effect Transistors ,   Nano Lett ., 17 (2), 1065–1070 (2017)
[3]  Dongxue Chen , Qian Liu,   A novel hanging bowl-shaped mask for the fabrication of vertical sidewall structures ,   Front. Phys. ,   11(1), 116805 (2016)
[4]   Dongxue Chen , Junjie Miao, Ye Tian, Jianming Zhang, Qian Liu,   Field Enhancement of Tip with Spiral Nanostructure ,   Plasmonics , 9(6), 1245-1249 (2014)
[5] Yong Xie, Yujia Liang,  Dongxue Chen , Xiaochun Wu, Luru Daic and Qian Liu,   Vortical superlattices in a gold nanorods’ self-assembled monolayer ,   Nanoscale , 6, 3064-3068 (2014)
[6] Yong Xie, Shengming Guo, Chuanfei Guo, Meng He,  Dongxue Chen , Yinglu Ji, Ziyu Chen, Xiaochun Wu, Qian Liu, and Sishen Xie,   Controllable Two-Stage Droplet Evaporation Method and Its Nanoparticle Self-Assembly Mechanism , Langmuir ,   29   (21), pp 6232–6241 ( 2013)
출처: 양자과학 및 공정연구원