

发布者: 发布时间:2021-10-27 20:10:00 点击量:
发布时间:2021-10-27 20:10:00

2007-05--2010-10 University Paris 13 Ph.D
2000-09--2003-06 中科院应用物理所 工学硕士
1991-09--1995-06 哈尔滨理工大学 工学学士
2013-03--今 中科院国家授时中心 研究员
2011-01--2013-01 National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Scientist
2005-04--2007-04 中科院国家授时中心 副研究员/高级工程师
2003-07--2005-03 中科院上海光机所 助理研究员
1995-07--2000-08 天津金山电线电缆公司 助理工程师
(1) Analysis of shot noise in the detection of ultrashort optical pulse trains,Journal of the Optical Society of America B,2013
(2) Exploiting shot noise correlations in the photodetection of ultrashort optical pulse trains,Nature Photonics,2013
(3) Noise Floor Reduction of an Er:Fiber Laser-Based Photonic Microwave Generator,Photonics Journal, IEEE ,2011
 (4)Cascaded multiplexed optical link on a telecommunication network for frequency dissemination,Optics Express,2010
(5) An agile laser with ultra-low frequency noise and high sweep linearity,Optics Express,2010,
(6) Ultralow noise microwave generation with fiber-based optical frequency comb and application to atomic fountain clock,Applied Optics Letters,2009
(7) Ultralow-frequency-noise laser by locking to an optical fiber-delay line,Optics Letters,2009(8) High-resolution optical frequency dissemination on a telecommunications network with data traffic,Optics Letters,2009(9) Long-distance frequency transfer over an urban fiber link using optical phase stabilization,Journal of the Optical Society of America B ,2008
(10) A Movable-Cavity Cold Atom Space Clock,Chinese Physics Letter,2005
(11) Phase Variations and Phase Shift in a TE011 Mode Microwave Cavity Used for in a Miniature Rb Fountain Frequency Standard,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2005